About us

About our Authors
Zaaruk khan (Administrator,Manager and skilled author) is skilled in blogging and has a great experience in it .And an amateur Graphic designer and web designer. An author in Linq planet and Wikipedia. Was born on 2001.03.14 .
Salman Khan (Administrator and Adviser) is a skilled gamer who has great skills in graphic designing and he is an amateur bodybuilder. He studied in Trinity college.Was born on 1994.12.10.
Sajadh Ahamed (Administrator) is a an author in leap flash since it was established .Studying at St.Sylvesters college.Was born on 2003.03.01
Imaam Ahemad (Administrator and designer) is skilled blogger who has a great experience in this field and is an author in Linq planet, Kandy sky news and grow knowledge.Studies at Madawala Madina central college.
Mushaf Ahemad (Administrator and author) is a new author in leap flash and is an amateur blogger and studied at Trinity college.Was born on 1995.02.23
-leap flash team