About us

Leap Flash was established by Zaaruk Khan on June 2nd 2015 with an aim of promoting science and technology . We have done well since we started and we have about 20,000 views per month . We have viewers all around the world (America ,Sri Lanka,UK,U.A.E,Australia,Russia,India,Singapore,South Africa,Germany,Indonesia,Netherlands,Canada,And from Portugal) And we have posted about 250 Articles since.We are currently recruiting authors who have pro skills in blogging.If you have the skills click here!

About our Authors

Zaaruk khan (Administrator,Manager and skilled author) is skilled in blogging and has a great experience in it .And an amateur Graphic designer and web designer. An author in Linq planet and Wikipedia. Was born on 2001.03.14 .

Salman Khan (Administrator and Adviser) is a skilled gamer who has great skills in graphic designing and he is  an amateur bodybuilder. He studied in Trinity college.Was born on 1994.12.10.

Sajadh Ahamed (Administrator) is a an author in leap flash since it was established .Studying at St.Sylvesters college.Was born on 2003.03.01

Imaam Ahemad (Administrator and designer) is skilled  blogger who has a great experience in this field and is an author in Linq planet, Kandy sky news and grow knowledge.Studies at Madawala Madina central college.

Mushaf Ahemad (Administrator and author) is a new author in leap flash and is an amateur blogger and studied at Trinity college.Was born on 1995.02.23

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Video Game Trivia
Asking question 1 of 10 with 0 answers correct

In 1990, Nintendo and Sega went to court over the rights to Tetris.

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