Assassin's Creed Odyssey Wiki Guide / Easter Eggs and References

Scene Straight from Black Panther

This fight between villagers at the top of a waterfall is complete with an audience - a scene
 straight out of the beginning of Black Panther. In the movie, T'Challa (Black Panther) fights
 his opponent M'Baku to win his throne.
In Assassin's Creed Odyssey, you can just kill the two fighting and scare the audience away.
You can find the scene on the most southeastern island in the country of Messara.
 Head for the Syncronizaiton Point where our arrow marker is on the map below
Specifically, the scene is adjacent to the Gortyn Waterfall synchronization point. 

Korok Seeds in Greece

Found on this small island in Pandora's Cove in the nation of Malis, this ring of stones would be nothing out of the ordinary were it not for the figure guarding them.
A reference to the Korok seeds in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild,
 this stone circle and leaf-masked critter will be familiar to any who played
 through Link's latest adventure.

Splinter Cell Goggles

In present day, if you go to the back room on the the right, you can find some Multi-Vision
 Goggles from Ubisoft's Splinter Cell series. Layla Says "Is it Third echelon? Or fourth?

Rabbid Figure

You can find this little guy in present day in the room to the left. It's a Rabbid, originally
 from Ubisoft's Rayman series, but it's sparked a line of games of its own. If you interact
 with it Layla just says "Bwah".

This Article was originally published by IGN
Read the original Article here


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