It's official: NASA finds evidence of liquid water flowing on the surface of Mars!

NASA told us it was announcing something big today, and it's certainly come up with the goods: the space agency says images from the M...

No, the super blood moon isn't a harbinger of the apocalypse!

This article was written by Alan Duffy from Swinburne University of Technology, and was originally published by The Conversation. For man...

Frozen Giant Virus Still Infectious After 30,000 Years!

It's 30,000 years old and still ticking: A giant virus recently discovered deep in the Siberian permafrost reveals that huge ancient vi...

Ultrathin 'Invisibility Cloak' Can Match Any Background!

In the movie "Predator," an alien uses a cloaking device to hide in plain sight, but the effect is far from perfect: The alien...

Sunset on Pluto: Breathtaking NASA Photo Shows Mountains, Wispy Atmosphere!

A spectacular new image from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft shows Pluto in an entirely new light. The photo, which New Horizons...

Gigantic Ice Slab Found on Mars Just Below the Planet's Surface

A giant slab of ice as big as California and Texas combined lurks just beneath the surface of Mars between its equator and north pole, resea...

California's Killer Bees Are Spreading North!

Bad news for apiphobes: "Killer" bees are on the move in the United States. Scientists from the University of California, San D...

Pluto Probe Starts Beaming Home 'Treasure Trove' of Flyby Data

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has begun beaming home the best data from its epic July Pluto flyby. On July 14, New Horizons beca...

Forget Bluetooth, new wireless technology uses your body to transmit data!

And it’s up to 10 million times more efficient. Bluetooth redefines ubiquitous. It’s seemingly everywhere, and nowhere more so than in pe...

NASA's newest spacecraft concept hitchhikes across the galaxy!!!!!!

No sleep till Pluto.  Travelling across the vast distances of space requires  a lot of  time and  a lot of  fuel, which is why NASA's...

Underground oceans on Pluto could support life, says Brian Cox!

Aliens may lurk under the dwarf planet’s crust. Thanks to NASA’s history-making New Horizons mission we now know more about Pluto than ev...

The Netherlands plans to have a 100% wind-powered railway system by 2018 !!!!!!

Awesome! With each passing week, renewable energy makes greater and greater strides in supplying more power for our lives, and a lot of t...

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