Pointing the Way: 3D Computer Cursors Could Navigate Virtual Worlds!
Forget everything you thought you knew about computer cursors. Researchers have come up with a way to turn cursors into a tool that can nav...

Forget everything you thought you knew about computer cursors. Researchers have come up with a way to turn cursors into a tool that can nav...
The Fast and the Furiously Eco-Friendly. Just because you’re solar-powered doesn’t mean you can’t bring the style. That’s the thinking be...
Microsoft’s new bio metric authentication is too smart for lookalikes. Just in case you missed it, Microsoft launched Windows 10 a little...
Awesome. In a move that’s expected to save 300,000 tonnes of carbon emissions over the next 25 years, the state of Cochin on the southwes...
Einstein’s theory of relativity allows it. Despite all the intergalactic hopping in science fiction and the occasional extraordinary res...
The most powerful laser beam ever created just got even more powerful. This article was written by Gianluca Sarri from Queen's Un...
Classic bundled games had an ulterior motive. If you thought that old-school Microsoft games like Solitaire and Minesweeper were just ad...
Not just planets but stars too. It’s not every day you get to name a celestial body, is it? Luckily for us today just happens to be one ...
Welcome to the future. Two schools in South Australia have welcomed a set of NAO robots into their classrooms, in an attempt to figure o...
Add to cart > Checkout. It’s not always easy to fit our computing lifestyles within the bounds of our computing hardware. Photos, mov...
Iceland, Japan, and New Zealand on top of the list. One of the benefits of geothermal energy is that it’s a hugely abundant and renewable...
Take your transportation with you. Getting around is about to look a lot different. Kuniako Saito, a Japanese engineer, and his team at ...
But that doesn't necessarily make her smarter. Twelve-year-old Nicole Barr, who lives in a travelling caravan community in the UK, ...
We want one! LG has shown off its new bendable, paper-thin TV panels, and it’s got us looking forward to a future with no cords, TV cabi...
Google has teamed up with the Sri Lankan government to deliver broadband Internet to every region of the island nation, making it the ...
A 3D-printed drone was recently launched from a British military warship and successfully flew to shore, a demonstration that could pave th...
A woman who caught chikungunya fever while vacationing in the Caribbean wound up losing some of the vision in her right eye permanently, ac...
Sheer number of M dwarf systems makes them likely to host habitable exoplanets MOST COMMON Most warm rocky planets around fain...
Othello was the first arcade game released by Nintendo.
True False